New Year 2024

What happened in 2023 and what I expect for 2024

Martin Thoma
7 min readDec 31, 2023

It’s New Year's Eve; as always — it’s time to remember what happened and think about what might happen in the future.

Review of 2023

2023 was another year in which the Russo-Ukrainian war dominated other discussions. I also remember seeing the occasional weird news about Donald Trump facing criminal charges and still having a big chance of winning the next US election.

We discuss the federal budget in Germany: Germanys' debt break is written into the constitution and prevents investing in the future. A dominating majority is still behind it, but occasional voices in the news want to reform it — some even want to get rid of it completely. While the US is heavily investing, politicians in Germany (CDU/CSU and FDP) are discussing how to cut social expenditures.

Net Climate Neutrality: Breakthroughs in Energy Production and Electrification

Renewable energy combined with electrification enables countries like Germany to become independent of other countries like Russia.

It seems to me that wind turbines will not change much. It’s now mainly about making them easy to install and reducing production costs.



Martin Thoma

I’m a Software Engineer with over 10 years of Python experience (Backend/ML/AI). Support me via